Listen To Us: Young People's Experiences With Trusted Adults

"Listen To Us! Young People's Experiences With Trusted Adults" is an animation using the voices of young people to highlight the importance of the role of trusted adults in their lives. This has been developed by the Humber and North Yorkshire Children and Young People's Mental Health Programme.

Parental Mental Health & The Impact on Children

 The aims of this narrated presentation are:

  • to raise awareness and understanding of how parental /carer mental ill health can impact on parenting
  • to explore the impact of parental mental ill health on children
  • to introduce the PAMIC tool

Capturing the lived experience of pre-verbal children

After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Gain a overview of the impact of the early experiences of babies and young children on their future life outcomes.
  • Recognise the significant role that observation, reflection and analysis have in capturing and making sense of the lived experience of pre-verbal children
  • Become familiar with the PRESENT mnemonic and how to apply it in practice. 
  • Feel more confident in providing analysis of the voice/ lived experience of pre-verbal children. 

Private Fostering – Looking after someone else’s child

After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Recognise private fostering arrangements
  • Understand why private fostering arrangements can present a safeguarding risk
  • Describe what to do if you become aware of a private fostering arrangement

City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership Awareness E-learning
  • Enrolment on payment

Please read our FAQs before starting the course.

After completing the course you will be able to:

  • Identify the signs and indicators of possible abuse and neglect
  • Explain and demonstrate what to do if:
  • A child or young person makes a disclosure to you
  • You have a concern about a child or young person or about someone who works with children and young people
  • Explain how to make a referral to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in York.